New Monks Farm

THEME: Transport

AREA: Shoreham

Developing a strategic employment and housing growth centre in Shoreham.

Delivery Body: Adur District Council

Theme: Transport

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £5.71m

Match Funding Contribution: £65.4m

Project Status: Awaiting Funding Agreement



Summary of Project

The New Monks Farm site is located in Shoreham in close proximity to Shoreham airport and the A27. The site is in the Adur District adopted Local Plan 2018, with development plans that will include the building of an Ikea , 600 new homes of which 30% are affordable, a primary school, a country park, a community hub and football pitches.


Local Growth Funding was awarded to this project to help contribute to a new junction being built from the A27 in order to provide access to the new development site, and unlock the well needed commercial space and housing.


Not only is this project critical in helping to achieve the housing supply as set out by Government, but it will greatly benefit local residents through affordable housing, local jobs, and a better sense of place. The Ikea will be creating 336 full time jobs, which are particularly beneficial for young people, school leavers, and those that otherwise experience significant economic deprivation. This employment has the ability to help retain the younger generations in our region, whilst the Ikea site will bring in additional tourism and spend per head to the area.


Key Outputs

  • 708 jobs
  • 600 homes
  • 10,000sqm commercial floor space
  • 2km of resurfaced roads
  • 1 newly built road
  • 2km of new cycle path
  • 708 jobs protected from flooding
  • 600 homes protected from flooding



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