09 August 2017

Coast to Capital is delighted to be sponsoring the British Science Festival which is being held across Brighton in 2017. The national event, which is co-hosted by the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex, is taking place from Tuesday 5 to Saturday 9 September and will highlight cutting-edge research and bring together people from across the scientific disciplines and beyond.

The Festival features a daytime and evening programme and Coast to Capital is proud to be associated with one of the Festival's key events, the Huxley Debate. Taking place at 5pm on Tuesday 5 September it tackles the hot topic of 'is human enhancement a human right?'. With booming progress in genetics, artificial intelligence and body enhancement, the concept of 'transhumanism' is becoming less like sci-fi and more like something we need to plan for.


The term, coined by Julian Huxley 60 years ago, now takes on new meaning and the event asks how far can our current ways of thinking extend into these quickly-evolving technologies? This debate, and others throughout the Festival, aims to get people thinking about science in a wider context and how it plays a pivotal role in every element of our society.


Coast to Capital is also sponsoring the STEM in Education event in partnership with The Careers and Enterprise Company which is being held for educators. The event is designed to support the delivery of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths within education and to give teachers and other educators useful tools and resources. Our Enterprise Adviser Network team will be there along with some local businesses to share information about the opportunities available to young people in these sectors.

Jonathan Sharrock, Coast to Capital Chief Executive said:

"We are extremely pleased to be sponsoring the British Science Festival and delighted that this year it will be taking place in Brighton. We are associated with a number of events throughout the week including the Huxley Lecture, Margaret Mead Award Lecture and Museum Late. The Festival is an excellent opportunity to inspire young adults and the next generation of scientists and future leaders."

Ivvet Modinou, British Science Festival Director, said:


"We're delighted that Coast to Capital are partnering with us for this year's British Science Festival. Their support on the Huxley Debate, Margaret Mead Award Lecture and Museum Late, and helps us to show just how important science is for society. Overall, the Festival is a wonderful chance to bridge the gap between science and the public, opening debate and discussion around many important and ground-breaking developments. We look forward to working closely with Coast to Capital in the coming weeks."


You can book tickets to any of the events - all of which are free - by visiting the website - https://www.britishsciencefestival.org/


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