Shoreham Port

THEME: Business & Enterprise

AREA: Shoreham

Safeguarding essential business space & employment

Delivery Body: Shoreham Port Authority

Theme: Busimess & Enterprise

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £1.1m

Match Funding Contribution: £4m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project

Maritime House is an existing office building in Shoreham Port which is home to many SME's and entrepreneurs. The building has become tired over the years and the owners applied for permitted development to convert the space into housing. As Shoreham Port is one of the largest cargo handling Trust ports on the South Coast, and that office space is in high demand in this area it was important to the Shoreham Port Authority that this did not happen, to ensure the port remains as a thriving businesses area.


For this reason, Local Growth Funding was awarded to help purchase the site in order to retain important commercial space and support local businesses, therefore driving economic growth. The Shoreham Port Authority have match funded this contribution and have refurbished the space to encourage existing and future tenets to use the space in Shoreham. In addition to this, the project will also create new commercial space adjacent to the existing Maritime House which will further support new enterprises and new and safeguarded jobs.


The entre is now at capacity and is home to a vibrant mix of companies, some of whom have been based in the building for many years.


Key Outputs

  • 190 jobs
  • 1,866sqm of commercial floor space
  • 40 enterprises receiving non-financial support

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